MIRA: The Mental Health Virtual Assistant


MIRA Title

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MIRAHey there! I'm MIRA. I'm a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence. I'm here to help provide you with information on mental health supports and services. I can also provide information on general or specific mental health related topics.

I can't give you medical advice and I'm not a counsellor. But I can help you figure out where to go to find care and support!

The Need for MIRA
Our Story
It Takes a Village
MIRA Belongs to Canadians

The Need

Happy Family of Three
One in three Canadians

One in three Canadians will experience a substance use or mental health disorder in their lifetime.1

Canadians Mental Health

1/3 Canadians do not feel their mental health needs are being met.2

Canadians Mental Health

There is a widespread need for mental health support resulting from COVID-19.3


Health system navigation is a significant barrier to care.4

Health Care Worker

There is an urgent need for interventions to protect healthcare workers from the psychological impact of traumatic events related to the pandemic.5

Supporting All Canadians

MIRA was initially crafted to assist healthcare workers and their families throughout the COVID-19 pandemic across Alberta and Nova Scotia.6 Due to overwhelming demand and interest, we are thrilled to announce the expansion of MIRA's services to encompass all Canadians, making it accessible across every Province and Territory.

Meeting Canadians where they are.

Technology uptake is high, with 91% of Canadians actively using the internet, including on their phones. MIRA connects with people where they already are, whenever they need it.7

Woman writing on desk

Collaborating Organizations

1) Pearson, C. Janz, T. & Ali, J (last modified 2015) Mental and substance use disorders in Canada. Statistics Canada Catalogue # 82-624-X. Available at: pub/82-624-x/2013001/article/11855-eng.htm

2) A. Sunderland and L. Findlay, "Perceived need for mental health care in Canada: Results from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey – Mental Health," Statistics Canada Catalogue, pp. no.82-003-X, 2013.

3) Moreno, C., Wykes, T., Galderisi, S., Nordentoft, M., Crossley, N., Jones, N. et al. How mental health care should change as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet Psychiatry (2020) 7(9): P813-824.

4) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, "Understanding the impact of alcohol on human health and well-being," National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Bethesda, 2014; C. Simpson and J. Tucker, "Temporal sequencing of alcohol-related problems, problem recognition, and help-seeking episodes," Addictive Behaviors , vol. 27, p. 659–674, 2002; W. Narrow, D. Regier, D. Rae, et. al., "Use of services by persons with mental and addictive disorders. Findings from the National Institute of Mental Health Epidemiologic Catchment Area Program," Archives of General Psychiatry, vol. 50, p. 95–107, 1993; T. Wild, A. Roberts and E. Cooper, "Compulsory substance abuse treatment: An overview of recent findings and issues," European Addiction Research, vol. 8, p. 84–93, 2002; Mood Disorders Society of Canada, 2015 Pan-Canadian Survey Raises Warning Signs on Mental Health Services, 2015, Available here:

5) Sahebi A, Nejati-Zarnaqi B, Moayedi S, Yousefi K, Torres M and Golitaleb M, "The prevalence of anxiety and depression among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: An umbrella review of meta-analyses," Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, vol. 107, p. 110247, 2021. PMID: 33476692 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Anxiety, feelings of depression and loneliness among Canadians spikes to highest levels since Spring 2020, CAMH, 2022. [Online]. [Accessed 10 February, 2022]. CBC News, "Months of abuse, exhaustion have burnt-out nurses leaving their jobs," CBC News, 13 September 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 September 2021].

6) Cabarkapa S, Nadjidai SE, Murgier J, Ng CH, The psychological impact of COVID-19 and other viral epidemics on frontline healthcare workers and ways to address it: A rapid systematic review, Brain, Behaviour, & Immunity - Health, 8 (2020) 100144.

7) Statistics Canada, "Canadian Internet Use Survey," Statistics Canada, 29 10 2019. [Online]. Available: quotidien/191029/dq191029a-eng.htm. [Accessed 27 03 2020]. Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, "Communications Monitoring Report 2016: Canada’s Communication System: An Overview for Canadians," CRTC, Ottawa, 2016.